1. Common name: Emamectin Benzoate
2. Chemicalnames: (4"R)-5-O-demethyl-4"-deoxy-4"- (methylamino) avermectinA1a + (4"R)-5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-4"-deoxy-4"-(methylamino)-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectinA1a (9:1)
3. Chemical class: Insecticide
4. Type of formulation: WDG (water-dispersible granule)
5. Active ingredient and its content: Emamectin Benzoate >=50 g/kg.
6. Structural formula:
7. Toxic class (WHO): II.
8. CASregistry number: 155569-91-8
9. Appearance: White to lightyellow granules.
10. Applications:
Mode of action: Acts onnerve cells to suppress muscle contraction. The insect is paralyzed and stopsfeeding within hours of ingestion, preventing subsequent crop damage. Non-systemicinsecticide which penetrates leaf tissues by translaminar movement.
Uses: For control of Lepidoptera on vegetables, brassicas, fruit, maize, tea, grapes and cotton, at up to 16 g/ha, and in pine trees, at 5-25 g/ha.
Target pest and rate:
Crop | Pest | Rate | Critical Comments |
Brassica Vegetables (Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cabbages, Cauliflower Only) | Diamondback Moth, asparagus caterpillar, Cabbage White Butterfly | 250 to 300 g/ha
| Spray at first signs of insect infestation as indicated by local spray thresholds. Use the lower rate on low to moderate infestations. |
Capsicums, Lettuce | Heliothis (Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera) | 200 to 250 g/ha
| Spray at first signs of insect infestation as indicated by local spray thresholds. For best results apply soon after the Helicoverpa eggs have hatched. |
Sweet Corn | Heliothis (Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera) | 200 to 250 g/ha
| Spray at first signs of insect infestation as indicated by local spray thresholds. For best results apply soon after the Helicoverpa eggs have hatched. D |
Rice | Rice leaf roller | 200 to 400 g/ha
| Spray at first signs of insect infestation as indicated by local spray thresholds. Repeat application again as necessary to maintain control. |
1. Apply when larvae are first observedand repeat applications as necessary to maintain control, apply as foliar sprayone time per crop cycle.
2. Apply when there is no wind orthe wind is mild. Don't spray if it will rain in one hour.
3. DONOT allow entry into treated areas for 8 hours or until the spray has dried. Ifprior entry is necessary, wear chemical resistant gloves.
4. Dangerousto fish and other aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers orwaterways with the chemical or used containers. DO NOT apply under weather conditionsor from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause spray to drift ontoadjacent areas, particularly wetlands, water bodies or watercourses.
5. Dangerousto bees. DO NOT spray any plants in flower while bees are foraging.
6. It is better to wearprotective clothing and glove when use this product. Do not eat or drink duringspraying. After applying pesticide, wash your hands and face immediately.
7. Pregnantwomen and lactating women do not contact this product.